Friday, February 12, 2010

Being a mom is an interesting Job.
 Being the wife of a Grad Student is even more interesting.
 It accounts for a very interesting combination.
My husband leaves by 7am everyday, and 3 days out of the week I wont see him again until around 10 o'clock at night. So I ask myself....What is the point of even getting dressed? Everyone loves their PJ's right? 

It's when I get to this point that I forcibly remind myself that getting dressed is important and if I've gotten to this point in my life, I seriously need to get out more. 

I'm not saying that I'm not guilty of having a PJ day with my kiddos every now and then (who are both under 2 and think this idea is great).  But the more and more I'm alone, the more I wonder what the point is in doing my hair--  make-up I've decided is totally overrated--  and if I happen to chose comfy clothes over cute ones, no one is even around to notice! 

I think that's the hardest part. I am accountable to no one. Unless I go somewhere during the day, no one will ever know that I threw my hair up in a quick bun and had no make-up on and wore my glasses all day long. My kids love me regardless and are too young to be embarrassed of me.

I know, I really do seriously need to get out more. 

I miss my husband, I think making myself cute knowing he wont be around to see it just reminds me that he's not there.
and then I feel alone.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

So, I’m not sure what state claims me. (Or which state I should claim rather).  This is 2010 the year of the Census, and I haven’t a clue who I am….

Odd feeling

I was raised in Utah, even got married there, so it will always have a special place for me in my heart…but I know I’ll never live there again (*sniff)

I went to school in Idaho. Loved it. While I was there my drivers license expired and I had to get a new one. An Idaho one…am I an Idahoan? But I’ll never live there again either

Now I live in New York. But this is only temporary while my husband does grad school. I’ve only got another 21/2 years left. So am I currently a New Yorker?

He’s also recently joined the Military, meaning from here we could live anywhere I’d never guess we’d live, add a few more years to that.

But my husband will always claim Colorado.  I’m glad one of us knows who we are.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hi and WElComE to MY BLOG

Not my husbands

Not my kiddos

Mine..........It's ALL MINE

Have you ever felt like you take care of so many people that you've lost track of who you are individually? I have, and I do. I think back to who I was in High School, and when I started College, and look at who I am now, and it worries me. I've gone from a person who was talented and interesting, to a boring housewife.


My family blog is all about my kids, and the background/header and overall music is controlled by my husband.

"What ABOUT ME!" I thought....
It's hard to even find me in pictures on that blog.

so this one's mine

All Mine.